SPON/ITES, DO COVER YOURSELVES IN SACKLOTS OF SHAME, FOR YOUR REP HAS NOTHING TO OFFER NED IS NEEDED By: Sen Rich Kay Greed of some fellow had made them to stick to support one whom they all know has nothing good to offer. Spon has no Constituency Project to equate the constituencys allowances that had been on over the time, the only thing he parades is NDDC projects which is not his constituency project. There are other senators from delta state theyre are not boasting with NDDC projects. Understand and note this that ever since the end of the primary election Nwaoboshi can't boast of any meaningful project of his or true empowerment giveñ to his constituent till this day. Contrarily, even when they first stole the mandate, Ned kept doing capital projects even as he's not occupying government office. Ned news of generosity had continued and thats why the delegates really voted for him in the first place. Those supporting spon are just supporters of evil, kno...