The 2017 Ugboko terrorism was an act of hate and wickedness, what is required now is real leadership and it could only be achieved by addressing justice. Those in support of retrogression, hate and sadism celebrated the unspeakable display of terror unleashed at innocent indigens. The barbarians used the ‘most ominous weapons’ against the victims. What happened was ‘reminiscent of The Beslan school siege also referred to as the Beslan school hostage crisis or Beslan massacre which started and lasted for three days, it involved the illegal imprisonment of over 1,100 people as hostages including 777 children, and ended with the deaths of 333 people. The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation on 1 September 2004. The hostage-takers were the Riyad-us ...