The 2017 Ugboko terrorism was  an act of hate and wickedness,   what is required now is real leadership and it could only be achieved by addressing justice.

Those in support of retrogression, hate and sadism celebrated the unspeakable display of terror unleashed at innocent indigens. The barbarians used the ‘most ominous weapons’ against the victims.
 What happened was ‘reminiscent of The Beslan school siege also referred to as the Beslan school hostage crisis or Beslan massacre which started  and lasted for  three days, it involved the illegal imprisonment of over 1,100 people as hostages including 777 children, and ended with the deaths of 333 people. 

The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation on 1 September 2004. The hostage-takers were the Riyad-us Saliheen, sent by the Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, who demanded Russian withdrawal and recognition of the independence of Chechnya. On the third day of the standoff, Russian security forces stormed the building with tanks, incendiary rockets and other heavy weapons. 333 people excluding terrorists were killed,  including 186 children.

The comparison between this two horrendous incidents is that the perpetrators were sent by someone who is intoxicated by power, hate and sadism.
Unimaginable violence was deployed against members of the community, particularly directed at those who supported the university project by Prince Ned Nwoko.  
Just like the Beslan school siege also referred to as the Beslan school hostage, for two days the indigens of Idumuje Ugboko experienced a sustained violent attacks and rage.
Vicious and ominous weapons”were wielded by the hate motivated sadistic hoodlums. 

The attack made no sense because the melancholy brought on the community after the  attack was unbridled. 
The violence was sponsored by those who wanted to stymied the proposed University project through the terrorism attack. 
They believed the violent attack was their best chance of either derailing or styming the development and prosperity the university would bring to the community and other communities around the area.
Without fear of contradiction, it is obvious that the atrocious attack was“professionally” organized for a particular mission.“ indigens were badly hurt by this individuals, life changing injuries were inflicted on them, their houses were burnt, their properties were destroyed . 
Those who stood passively neutral and are now claiming that they are in support of   peaceful resolution of the matter were  “hiding behind prejudice” because they have been part of this terrorism, they have been financing the culprits, they have been taking care of their legal fees .
Therefore their feigning to be unbiased and not  involved in the crisis by claiming apathetic is blatant lie.

“To make a reference to the Beslan school siege is no subtle reminder to the victims 
how the culprits heinous savagery unleashed terror on women, children and innocent people in Idumuje Ugboko community .
 These haters are not brave, they are cowards, they are  scared of their  sponsors, that was why they agreed to engage in such mindless behaviour.
What the culprits did had nothing to do with patriotism or honest interests of the community, it was a premeditated, vicious exhibition of hate malice, and taste for violence. 
The expulsions of some traditional chiefs was  seemingly a call for a counter action by their supporters which would have  inflamed the  tensions that was already running high in the community.
Prince Ned Nwoko is a man of peace, he is sacrosanct to development and prosperity, his desire to build a university in his community is a direct testament to his hunger for development.
Prince Ned Nwoko is always ready, willing and able to bring smiles to the community, and that is what he has done and has been doing.
Prince Ned Nwoko stands before you as a friend and ally to every fair minded and reasonable person seeking for  justice and peace, and to assure all particularly the victims that he will always stand by equity and justice, he want them to know that he will never deviate from his fundamental values which is, standing for what is right, fair and appropriate.

 And he stands before everyone in firm opposition to anyone exploiting the victims by shying away from the tragedy brought on them by the attack and menace,.
He also again lashed out at “ those who sponsor violence ” whom he blames for the crisis and have continued to fuel the crisis by refusing to address the  fundamental issues and the consequential  devastation caused by the crisis.
 What is being alleged by the culprit and their sponsors  has nothing to do with justice or with peace,” 
“The memory of the two innocent people killed as a result of the crises are being dishonored by the falsehoods of the culprits and their sponsors, who are the benefactors of the looters and anarchists. The violence and vandalism was perpetrated by the culprit who chose to  terrorize the innocent victims, destroyed their houses, intimidated them, and hurt them and burn down victims houses.
“Right now, Idumuje Ugboko needs creation not destruction, cooperation not contempt, peace not anarchy, and there will be no anarchy. They cannot and must not allow a small group of criminals and vandals to wreck their progress and lay waste to the community.” with their hate malevolence and cruelty.

 “When the attack was on, looting was also on”
The inflammatory message circulated by the president of IUDU calling on their supporters to send money for more arms to fight their common enemy is a testament to this fact
 and had intended to call for violence against members of his  own community.
 Prince Ned Nwoko wants to once more  expresse his “deepest condolences and most heartfelt sympathies to the family of two deceased persons”.
 “This is no time for incendiary, if peace must return unabated, they must address the sufferings and pains suffered by the victims.
 This is no time to encourage violence or delirium. This is a communal crisis, and what is required now is real leadership and it could only be achieved by addressing justice.
Chris Okobah Ph.D


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